my projects

  1. Weather Forecast System

    March 2,2021

    A web app which is build using HTML, CSS, JavaScript.It uses API for current weather report. It is used to check temperature, minimum and maximum temperature of searched city with particular date.

    Live Project Source Code

  2. Electricity Billing System

    March 1,2021

    Electricity Billing System is a desktop based application developed in Java programming language . Database used in this application is MySQL. The project aims at serving the department of electricity by computerizing the billing system.

    Source Code

  3. Top Rated Movies

    December 11,2020

    A web app which helps to check the top rated imdb movies in different genres. It is created in CodeSandBox and build using HTML, CSS, React JS.

    Live Project Source Code

  4. Emoji Family

    December 11,2020

    A web app which helps to identify the meaning of emojis. It is created in CodeSandBox and build using HTML, CSS, React JS.

    Live Project Source Code

  5. Speak like Dothraki

    December 9,2020

    A Fun Translation web app build using HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS.It uses to translate english to dothraki language.

    Live Project Source Code

  6. Speak like Minions

    December 3,2020

    A Fun Translation web app build using HTML, CSS, Vanilla JS.It uses to translate english to minions language.

    Live Project Source Code

  7. how well do you know Game Of Thrones?

    November 22,2020

    A CLI app which contains three levels built with node.JS. You can send this to GOT fans and find out who knows GOT well.

    Play Game Source Code

  8. how well do you know me?

    November 21,2020

    A CLI app built with node.JS. You can send this to your friends and find out who really knows you.

    Play Game Source Code