
November 28,2020

As an upcoming web developer , you are already familiar with GitHub.

GitHub is one of the largest open source platform in the world . It is an application which store your projects on the web .It uses Git version control system , due to this reason it is known as GitHub.

The developers can deploy their projects on the GitHub and can easily track their projects . It is a social networking site for developers . The interface of GitHub is also very friendly .
The users can change , add and remove their code in their project at any point of time without affecting their previous codes . A user can also write other stuffs like novels , books etc. A project hosted on GitHub is called a repository. GitHub gives options to host public as well as private repositories. It also provides commit option through which users can track their previous commits .

Apart from being a project hosting service . It allows users to follow each other and they can contribute to each other projects .

For open source projects, It also allows users to fork other open source projects and work on it. A user can request to the owner of that project to make some changes and if owner want to change then owner will accept that request of the user .

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